A Little Backstory
Though at one point in time, this place was a terrible bureaucracy (as the story goes it was called Bureaucracy A-Z), the people who worked here fought against the system, protesting the number counting and paper filing to create a new anti-establishment establishment that puts people before paperwork (unless it is paper in a book written by youth, of course)—a place where all are invited to come in to create and dream and file their name in the great Community Card Catalog. It is a place where make-believing is permitted, permission to be is given, manifestations are officially filed, and fantastic futures are manifested. It is a place where all are encouraged to be vulnerable and brave, to create, to imagine, to dream, to be epic, to wish, to love, to heal, to believe, to laugh, to make, to remember, to let go, to play, to connect, to collaborate, to write, and to read.